Viewing: Accessing Reports and Domains from iReport > Plug-in Requirements

Plug-in Requirements

The JasperReports Server Plug-in and the Domain Plug-in require:

   Java Sun JDK 6 or higher

   iReport Designer 4.0 or higher – You can install iReport when you install the server.

   JasperReports Server 4.0 or higher with enabled web services – Web services are enabled by default.

Connecting to the Server from iReport

This procedure shows you how to connect to JasperReports Server directly from iReport.

To access the server repository within iReport:

1.     Start iReport:

    In Windows, click Start  All Programs  JasperReports Server 4.2  Start iReport Designer; or

    In Linux, change to the iReport home directory and enter ./ at the command prompt.

2.     Click Window  JasperReports Server Repository.

The Repository Navigator tool bar appears.

3.     On initial startup of iReport, no servers are configured. To add a server, click in the Repository Navigator tool bar.

The JasperReports Server Access Configuration dialog appears.

4.     Enter configuration information to access your server instance. All fields are required:

    Name – An identifier for this server instance that will appear in the Repository Navigator.

    JasperReports Server URL – Full URL to the repository web service; check that the default URL is jasperserver-pro. You need to change hostname to the name of your server:


    Organization – If there is more than one organization in the server instance, you must specify the ID or the alias of the user’s organization, for example organization_1. In the default installation with a single organization, you can leave this field blank.

    Username – ID of the user accessing the server from iReport.

    Password – The password of the user.

Configuration to Access the Server from iReport

5.     Click Save, then expand the repository tree in the Repository Navigator.


Server Repository as Seen from iReport


The visibility and access to resources in the Repository Navigator depend on the organization and permissions of the user.

You can add multiple servers to the Repository Navigator. Servers configured for iReport 3.1 versions of the plug-in and later are compatible with the iReport 4.0.0 or later version of the plug-in. You may experience problems if you connect to incompatible servers.